April 19, 2011

2011 Mixed Media Musicians Goldenized

Today you can see two more of my latest lady musicians.

I think this golden layering is working rather well. Although the images don't show the metallics as well as I would like...
Perhaps the most successful pieces are those whose textured background promotes a kind of golden grid within the works.

OK. Today another Pianist and a Guitarist with a detail image. (I finished these last week).

Pianist 12
24 w x 30h
mixed media on canvas

Guitarist 22
24 w x 30h
mixed media on canvas

Guitarist 22
by cici artist

Comments are welcomed.

April 18, 2011

2011 Pianist - Getting Ready for July Show

Contemplating Pianist
mixed media on canvas
 24"w x 30"h
It's the first time I've moved the keyboard to the top left of the painting. I think this gives the Pianist a bit of a story. The keyboard seems to be coming down on her in a way that makes me feel she might be hiding from something. However, her face tells me something else is happening... like she is comfortable where she is, and is contemplating her next move.

As I mentioned in the last post, I am adding a layer of goldenness to my Musician Series.
The second installment of musicians will be showing 11 new works using this new layer. ( Notation 2,  at 205 W 58th St, NYC). I am still working on them.

The piece you see here is one of the pieces I might include in the show.

April 14, 2011

small studies for larger works

In the summer, my art works at Allegro Pianos will be changing to the next set of paintings in my Musician Series... Notation 2.

I have been working on this new group of mixed media pieces for a while now.

I started with a few canvases (24” x 30”)  painting only pianists.
But as life would have it, I went to an exhibition in Fort Lauderdale Museum of art work from the Vatican. (Show entitled “A Journey through Faith and Art”)… and thought how great it would be to incorporate some gold.

Below are a few of the first studies for this new golden development. These maquettes are 7” x 5” canvas on .75” depth stretchers (and if you are interested… I have put them up for sale on my website).
Small Art for Sale by cici artist

eBook "The Fruit Ladies"

I've been posting about my paintings ..

but today, I am moving from wall art to eWorld art...

because I completed and uploaded the electronic version of the book...
 "The Fruit Ladies" poetry by Brenda Tucci, illustrated by cici artist.

A few years back, I  did a series of drawings with fruit in the hair of my woman faces... and Brenda wrote fabulous poetry to go with it...
As of today it is available online as an ePub/eBook at the publisher's site.

April 13, 2011

The String Players

Guitarist II - 16"w x 20"h
Allegro Violinist - 30"w x 24" h

 Women and their instruments!  Here are a few of my string players.
Harpist - 16"w x 20"h

These paintings are part of the "Musician Series - Notation I" by cici artist.
The mixed media canvases are on view at Allegro Pianos (205 West 58th Street, New York, New York)... just a short walk from Carnegie Hall!

Allegro Violinist - 24"w x 30"h

The Pianists

Allegro Piano Red -  24"w x 36"h

For those of you unfamiliar with my work... I love faces! In this series sections of musical instruments accompany each single woman face. This posting has the Pianists.

Sunday Morning Pianist - 36"w x 24"h
The 5 consecutive posting show the 11 musicians that are at Allegro Pianos (205 W 58th St, NY, NY) through June 2011 (a new series of canvases, also by cici artist, will be following this show).

For this exhibition "The Musician Series - Notation 1", I created 4 pianists, 3 guitar players, 2 violinists, a viola player and a harpist.

Allegro Piano Blue - 30"w x 40"h
It is the first series where I show pieces in which I treated the canvas to texture prior to painting... so many of the pieces are in fact mixed media with acrylic on canvas. All the art works are framed.
Allegro Piano Friday Night - 60"w x 44" h

April 12, 2011

Guitarist II Mixed Media

Guitarist II
36"w x 24"h (unframed dimensions)
mixed media on canvas
This piece fits great over the upright piano in the showroom.
The richness of the color in the work, plus the width of the piece (40" width framed) fits perfectly above the striking black upright piano. A must see!

Notecards of this image are also available on my website ciciartist.com:
Click to see the listing

Guitarist Painting

30"w x 24"h (unframed dimensions)
mixed media on canvas

The face and the hair continue in my series of musicians.
This was the first in the series in which I added texture to the canvas prior to applying the paint.

The venue for exhibiting the paintings is a bit on the alternative side for an artist. However since this series is about the musical instruments.. what better place to display (and sell) than in an establishment that caters high end pianos. Plus the new owners are just delightful and they asked me if I would!

I have created a set of 6 blank note cards with this image on it.

April 11, 2011

cici artist's "The Musician Series" NYC

cici artist's 11 women musicians
 framed paintings are on view
January - June 2011 at
Allegro Pianos
205 West 58th Street
New York, New York.

The "Musician Series - Notation 1"

This series of paintings is the first installment that will be on view at Allegro Pianos in New York City.
The 11 framed artworks ("Musicians Series - Notation 1") include: pianists, violinists, harpist and guitarists.
The pieces range in size from    60"w x 44"h   to   16"w x 20"h.
Pictures to follow: